I’m heading off this weekend for (almost) the last leg of the FP2P promo tour. I’m doing quite a few public lectures/conversations if anyone out there wants to come along. If you want to meet up on the margins/for a beer, let me know. Here’s what we know so far. If there’s no link that means it’s either not a public event or I haven’t got the URL yet – I’ll add a couple more links when we get them. The updated list will be on the FP2P website.
29 April, The Heller School, Brandeis University, Boston, 12.15pm-1.45pm. More details
29 April, Harvard University, Boston (private event)
New York
2 May, Columbia University, NYC, 1:00pm-2:00pm. More details
2 May, UN Women, NYC (private event)
3 May, UNICEF, NYC (private event)
3 May, UNDP, NYC (private event)
3 May, The Rockefeller Foundation, NYC (private event)
6 May, SIT Grad Institute, Washington DC (private event)
7 May, Society for International Development, Washington DC Chapter, 10:00am-12:00pm. More details
7 May, Oxfam America, Suite 600,1100 15th St NW, Washington DC,12.30pm-2.30pm, email vwangai[at]oxfamamerica.org if you want to come
7 May, World Affairs Council, University of California – Washington DC, 6:30pm-8:00pm. More details
8 May, Centre for Global Development, Washington DC (private event)
8 May, World Bank, Washington DC (private event)
9 May, USAID, Washington DC (private event)
9 May, Johns Hopkins University,1619 Massachusetts Ave, Washington DC,12:30pm-2:00pm
9 May, GW University, Elliott School for International Affairs, Washington DC, 5.30pm-7:00pm. More details
10 May, University of Ottawa, 2.30pm-4.30pm. More details
As for the rest of you, there may be the odd interruption to service, but I’ll try and keep blogging while I’m on the road. First up next week, a friendly wonkwar – me v Claire Melamed on the post-2015 circus.