The idea of stopping blogging fills me with a disturbing mix of reluctance, relief and alarm at the impending withdrawal symptoms, but I have no choice. It’s getting on for two and a half years since I started this blog, and I’m taking a break, probably til the end of the year.
The reason, as always, is workload – I’m writing a report for Oxfam International’s forthcoming campaign on ‘food justice in a resource-constrained world’ (don’t worry, that won’t be its final name), and as anyone knows who’s tried to write a report in a large international bureaucracy with lots of clever, different, passionate people, it’s both a time-consuming and gruelling process. See right for my current favourite visual metaphor – I am definitely the mouse, but I’m naming no names on who/what is the toad…… Actually my previous favourite works pretty well too.
So while I disappear into the toad, I thought we’d run an experiment and throw the blog open to some of Oxfam’s advocacy gurus, working on climate change, aid, the Robin Hood Tax, the G20, essential services etc etc. They’ll be strutting their stuff over the next few weeks. Make sure you give them a hard time or I might never be allowed back……
If I can’t stand the cold turkey, I might drop in the odd post. If not, see you all in 2011.
best wishes