If you want this blog to get better, I need 5 minutes of your time

February 15, 2010

     By Duncan Green     

infoThis blog has now been running for 18 months and it’s time to obey that NGO golden rule – ‘if it moves, evaluate it’ (and if it keeps moving, restructure it…). So, could you please take 5-10 minutes (honest – it’s really quick) to fill out this on-line survey? Why? Because the feedback will help me improve the quality and relevance of the content and provide some evidence of audience interest (or lack of it) for my Oxfam bosses (they’re understandably suspicious that I enjoy blogging so much). In the interests of accountability, transparency, motherhood, apple pie etc, we’ll mash up the results of the questionnaire with the various other sources of stats and feedback, and report back in due course.

Click here to take my survey

February 15, 2010
Duncan Green
