Visa applications: emotional tax and privileged passports (here’s Uganda v UK). Bathsheba Okwenje on an ongoing scandal.
Demystifying Belt and Road: The Struggle to Define China’s “Project of the Century”. Anything by Yuen Yuen Ang is reliably gold, and now this paper is Open Access
From welfare in one country to global poverty alleviation…and now where? Another top reflection from Branko Milanovic, who is coming to the LSE next year – v exciting!
“If we were to hold a minute of silence for every estimated death of a migrant worker due to the constructions of the Qatar World Cup, the first 44 matches of the tournament would be played in silence.” Powerful use of stats to highlight injustice (ht Jo Maugham)
Important victory in Tanzania. ‘Critiquing official statistics is now legal once again.’ Really.
Email like a boss (ht @hunterwalk)
Peace, illicit drugs and the SDGs. New Christian Aid report from Eric Gutierrez and Karol Balfe
What Is Resilient Development and How Can It Fight Poverty? Smart new Oxfam video based on one of my favourite stories of change