
Covid Links I ‘Liked’

May 4, 2020

     By Duncan Green     

Not much fun on today’s links – if that’s what you’re looking for, head to Friday’s Corona-Cartoon competition, (example, right), where voting is still going strong

How to feed your family during Zimbabwe’s lockdown

Lockdown must be getting to me. I’m starting to agree with Piers Morgan

What’s going on in Africa? According to the FT, ‘Low Covid-19 death toll raises hopes Africa may be spared worst‘. As for how governments are responding: Ok, one size doesn’t fit all. What to do instead? ‘It’s not doctors that flatten curves, it’s social organisation.’

I’m chairing what looks like a top panel of speakers on Thursday, 2-3.30pm UK time. Topic: ‘Looking back at COVID-19: how will Africa have changed one year from now?’. Details here.

USAID funds can no longer be used for gloves, masks, or ventilators, without special permission.’

Is Covid going to become a ‘development issue’ like HIV/AIDs? Daily death toll plateauing/falling in Europe and US, but still rising in India, Mexico, Pakistan, Brazil, acc to comprehensive FT stats crunch.

Results of diaries project with 70 participants across occupied buildings, informal settlements, townships and suburbs in Cape Town

‘Calamitous’: domestic violence set to soar by 20% during global lockdown. Global figs from UN – 5m more cases per month of lockdown

Wish You Were Here. Inspired and beautiful cover of Pink Floyd by Miley Cyrus on Saturday Night Live that’s been in my head ever since. They wd have been the perfect band for lockdown – ‘hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way’ etc. Also, how did she keep singing through all that smoke?
May 4, 2020
Duncan Green
