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Debt crisis update: The Economist’s table of 4 risk factors in 66 developing countries. Highest combined risk = Venezuela, Lebanon, Zambia, Bahrain, Angola.
The Economic Impact of COVID-19 around the World. Excellent round up of the latest analysis from David Evans (aka the Great Summarizer) and Amina Mendez Acosta
Tanzania’s gamble: ‘In contrast to most leaders, Magufuli’s main strategies are to limit information, treat fear as the main threat, and keep the economy running.’ by Ben Taylor
Zoom update: Finding endless video calls exhausting? You’re not alone. Exploring ‘zoom fatigue’ + some tips for reducing it. And UN ‘Zoom’ meetings are as awkward as yours. Actually, they’re worse.
Strangely poignant. A quintessential British lad’s tiktok dream of going to the pub when this is all over ht Ben Phillips
‘An India Today analysis established that in 13 states and union territories, NGOs are outperforming state governments in feeding people.’
China’s state news agency has released a pretty bizarre lego animation/cartoon goading the United States for ignoring the threat of Covid-19. Really not sure the CP should attempt jaunty satire ht Irene Guijt