Featured image for “Development Nutshell: round-up (18m) of FP2P posts, w/b 8th and 15th August”

Development Nutshell: round-up (18m) of FP2P posts, w/b 8th and 15th August

August 20, 2022
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Featured image for “Summer Student blog and campaign: Why you should change your mind about the start-up that invented the Covid vaccine”

Summer Student blog and campaign: Why you should change your mind about the start-up that invented the Covid vaccine

August 18, 2022
Next up in our summer student post series is Andreas Brox. Here’s his full project, on which this blog is based. It has been two years since this fricking pandemic has started and like everyone else, I am pretty sick of hearing about it. Thankfully, it feels very much like it is over in Germany, where I am from, or
Featured image for “Links I Liked”

Links I Liked

August 8, 2022
Impossible to tell whether this Russian ad trying to convince people to move there is satire or serious. Either way, it’s v funny. ht David Patrikarikos ‘Power shift? USAID and localisation’. Interesting piece: Points out that the quickest way to large scale localization is direct budget support to governments. Hadn’t thought of that. Duh. At least 140 aid workers were
Featured image for “Development Nutshell: round-up (20m) of FP2P posts, w/b 25th July and 1st August”

Development Nutshell: round-up (20m) of FP2P posts, w/b 25th July and 1st August

August 6, 2022
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Featured image for “Never Heard of ‘Human Rights Economics’? You have now.”

Never Heard of ‘Human Rights Economics’? You have now.

August 1, 2022
Just been skimming an interesting new paper by Caroline Dommen, with an ambitious purpose – to brand and describe a new branch of economics – Human Rights Economics (HRE). Her starting point: ‘in many ways economic thought and practice currently disregard human rights. HRE is of the view that the world needs an economic system that is fairer for people
Featured image for “Welcome to our new home”

Welcome to our new home

July 28, 2022
Hi Everyone, This is the new home for FP2P, as explained yesterday. We’ll set up temporary redirects from our old location. However, these will only last for 3-6 months to save Oxfam money. So please update your bookmarks and any cross-links. And now I won’t mention anything techie again, honest – thanks for staying with the process If you are