Tremendous news that Angus Deaton has won the Nobel prize in economics, particularly because this will further direct attention towards one of the great challenges of the age – rising inequality, on which Deaton is a great thinker, not least in The Great Escape, which deserves an even wider readership.
Last year, I had a public exchange with him on the From Poverty to Power blog, in which I disagreed with his criticisms of aid. Throughout, where other big economists (naming no names….) would have ignored or slapped me down, he engaged in a thoroughly respectful and gentlemanly manner.
If you want to catch up, here are the collected blog posts:
Me: Why Angus Deaton is (mostly) wrong to attack aid for undermining politics and accountability
Angus’ reply, making the case against aid
Jon Lomoy of the OECD responds to Angus