Woah, if you’re even slightly interested in knowing more about the world of humanitarian response, check out the new ALNAP Learning Links | Free academic resources and teaching tools for humanitarian courses and programmes. Here’s the blurb:
‘ALNAP is the global network for advancing humanitarian learning. We want to provide future generations of humanitarians with unfettered access to our very best resources: 25 years worth of high quality research, learning and guidance on countless issues related to humanitarian performance.
So, we’ve put together our first ever resource pack for academics, educators, trainers and students – as well as educational institutes – within the humanitarian sector. We have also produced a Learning Links pack specifically for Monitoring & Evaluation practitioners and decision-makers.
ALNAP Learning Linksprovides a gateway to more than 800 ALNAP-authored reports, analyses, blogs and multimedia assets, organised into subject areas aligned to academic courses and programmes with a humanitarian focus.
Themes covered extensively within the resource pack include:
- Humanitarian principles
- The evolution of aid
- Localisation and decolonisation
- Accountability to affected populations
- Cash programming
- Human mobility and forced displacement
- Food security and hunger
- Pandemics and epidemics
- Climate-related disasters
- Humanitarian leadership and decision-making
- Adaptive management
- Safeguarding and protection
- Innovation and technology in the humanitarian sector
There follows 38 pages of annotated bibliography with links to over 800 ALNAP reports, analyses, blogs and video content, broken down into subject areas, with a guide to general overview pieces and case studies on each.
Just as a taster, here are some of the case studies for a couple of the topics covered:
Cash programming
Yemen case study: Understanding effectiveness in a food crisis, State of the Humanitarian System [4pp], 2022
Community engagement and accountability to affected people
‘We are here’ – IFRC’s experience with communication and feedback channels for affected populations in Haiti [41pp], 2014
Investing in listening – IOM’s experience with humanitarian feedback mechanisms in Sindh Province, Pakistan [46pp], 2014
‘We are committed to listen to you’ – World Vision’s experience with humanitarian feedback mechanisms in Darfur [40pp], 2013
Conflict and migration
Bangladesh, State of the Humanitarian System Report [39pp], 2018
Mali, State of the Humanitarian System Report [41pp], 2018
Yemen, State of the Humanitarian System Report [46pp], 2018
Food security/hunger
Yemen case study: Understanding effectiveness in a food crisis, State of the Humanitarian System [4pp], 2022
If you’re teaching a course that covers humanitarianism, or looking for a research topic for a dissertation, or want to search on a particular country or issue, this is a gold mine. Amazing. Now I need to find someone to fund me to do the same thing with FP2P – 15 years, 4 million+ words. Any offers? 😉