Hacked emails; African remittances; leaving Haiti; the carbon slump; oil isn’t a curse; what happened in Davos; the BASIC coalition and a new ‘triple crisis’ blog: links I liked

February 5, 2010

     By Duncan Green     

The Guardian’s brilliant week-long investigation into the hacked emails from the University of East Anglia climate change team should be compulsory reading for anyone involved in ‘research for advocacy’. Read, weep and learn.

 Sanou Mbaye reflects on the importance to Africa of remittances from its far-flung diaspora

How best to help Haitians? Buy them a plane ticket. Michael Clemens bangs the drum for immigration reform and runs the numbers on Haiti’s prospects

 Matthew Lockwood explains why carbon trading is in the doldrums on his excellent new ‘political climate’ blog

Adam Martin argues that the ‘oil curse’ is a myth (and has the research to prove it)

Clinton in DavosTwo good round-ups from the World Economic Forum in Davos by Martin Wolf and Larry Elliott . Tellingly, neither mention climate change. It’s as if Copenhagen never happened…….

David Steven explores the origins and positions of the BASIC coalition on climate change (Brazil, South Africa, India and China)

Another week, another blog, this time the ‘triple crisis’ blog run by Kevin Gallagher of the Global Development and Environment Institute (GDAE) at Tufts University (USA), and Jayati Ghosh from India’s Economic Research Foundation (ERF). It has a stable of radical, heterodox economists lined up to explore the crises of finance, development and the environment.

February 5, 2010
Duncan Green
