October 21, 2023
Links I LikedWhich book should I review next? You decide please!How do we talk about Older People in Development and Activism?Be Care-full. A poem for the timesLinks I LikedWill growth be enough to end poverty? New Projections of the UN Sustainable Development GoalsWhat would make an Atheist spend a day discussing Faith and Development?

What would make an Atheist spend a day discussing Faith and Development?
October 19, 2023
Had a good chat last week about one of my enduring hobby-horses: the role of faith in development, and the aid sector’s massive secular blind spot. The conversation was with Christian Aid’s Lila Caballero Sosa, who (with Islamic Relief, the Joint Learning Initiative and the University of Leeds) is putting together a big event on faith and development for next

Will growth be enough to end poverty? New Projections of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
October 17, 2023
Guest post by Arief Anshory Yusuf, Zuzy Anna, Ahmad Komarulzaman and Andy Sumner Today, October 17th is the UN International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (you already knew that, right?). In new analysis for UNU-WIDER, we assess progress towards the global poverty-related SDGs, specifically monetary poverty, undernutrition, child and maternal mortality, and access to clean water and basic sanitation.

Links I Liked
October 16, 2023
Bit of good news out of India, for a change. On September 21st India’s parliament passed a bill reserving a third of the seats in its lower house and in state assemblies for women. Angus Deaton, Nobel Memorial Laureate, on the state of economics: “The time has come, Deaton argues, for economists to get back to serving society. ‘The discipline
Be Care-full. A poem for the times
October 14, 2023
“Be careful to separate people from the policies of their governments. Be careful to separate people from the actions of terrorists who live among them. Be careful not to collapse history and context into narrow interpretation. Be careful not to eschew complexity and nuance for the sake of memeification. Be careful to recognize that grief for one side does not mean hate for the other. Be careful to understand that support for one side does not

How do we talk about Older People in Development and Activism?
October 12, 2023
Had a nice chat with Cherian Mathews, the incoming head of HelpAge International, this week, which got me thinking about how we talk about the role of older people in development. Our conversation on possible future directions for HAI mainly centred on narratives and tactics. Narratives Obviously no one wants to go with ‘older people as victims’, which manages to

Which book should I review next? You decide please!
October 10, 2023
My reviews pile has crept higher over the summer and is now becoming a bit of a health and safety issue. Reviewing books takes a lot of time, which I don’t have much of right now as term has started at the LSE. But FP2P readers often appreciate the reviews for the same reason – saves them reading the whole

Links I Liked
October 9, 2023
When you’re dictating the live BBC blog on the Tory party conference and someone takes your breakfast order… Two excellent pieces from the New Humanitarian Aid agencies and politicians need to understand the political economy of camps for internally displaced people before sounding off about aid diversion. ‘Aid theft in Somalia is not what you think‘ ‘Like all ruling classes,

Development Nutshell podcast. 27m roundup of posts for w/b 25th September and 2nd October
October 7, 2023
Links I Liked Finishing a 2nd Edition of How Change Happens – here are drafts of two new chapters for you to read. 5 Things we Learned from Evaluating the Impact of Research How Local Women Mobilizers Shaped Ukraine’s Invasion Response New Version of the free online ‘Make Change Happen’ course launched this week – check it outDo our LSE

Do our LSE Activism Students know it all already?
October 5, 2023
To get the brain juices of our record number of new LSE activism students flowing last week, we came up with an ‘ice breaker’, albeit on a very serious topic. Although LSE has a pretty comprehensive policy on sexual harassment and sexual violence, it does not currently publish the stats on reporting or resolution of cases. How could a campaign

New Version of the free online ‘Make Change Happen’ course launched this week – check it out
October 3, 2023
One of the more enjoyable things I’ve been involved in at Oxfam in recent years is the Make Change Happen MOOC (Massive Open Online Course – where have you been?). A new version is launching this week – if you haven’t already done it, let me try and persuade you to sign up/promote it to your networks. When joining the

How Local Women Mobilizers Shaped Ukraine’s Invasion Response
October 2, 2023
This guest post by Esther Brito Ruiz first appeared on the Global Policy blog. The impacts of Russia’s war in Ukraine have been deeply gendered: from human traffickers targeting women and children fleeing airstrikes, to the increase in gender-based violence, rising feminized poverty, and haunting testimonies of sexual violence. Yet despite these disproportionate vulnerabilities, Ukrainian women have also emerged as vital agents of resistance: as