October 5, 2021
Final post in the outstanding Bukavu Series of blogs on life for national researchers in the DRC, from Élisée Cirhuza Balolage and Esther Kadetwa Kayanga. Introduction to the Bukavu series here. Search on ‘Bukavu’ for the other posts in the series or see list at end of this piece. Original post here. We have seen how the presence of a light-skinned researcher
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October 4, 2021
Gotta love the fuel shortage v Brexit cartoons. Here’s another cracker – please add your own Nigel Farage also doing his bit to keep us amused. Thoughts and prayers for the father of Brexit. And the BBC got in on the nominative determinism game. Ladies and Gents, please welcome … Phil McCann Just a few weeks after Liz Truss became
Development Nutshell: Audio round-up (18m) of FP2P posts, w/b 27th September
October 2, 2021
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When the Room is Laughing: From Female Researcher to Prostitute Researcher
September 30, 2021
A last couple of posts in series from the Bukavu workshops on the realities of research in the DRCongo, this one by An Ansoms and Irene Bahati. Introduction to the Bukavu series here. Search on ‘Bukavu’ for the other posts in the series or see list at end of this piece. Original post here. Working in a conflict zone is difficult
Social protection and COVID-19 – the emerging story of what worked where… and what it all means for future crises
September 29, 2021
Throughout the pandemic, social protection practitioners have been drawing on past experience and established ‘mantras’ to support governments and emergency actors to respond to the crisis. Valentina Barca, the Team Lead for the FCDO-GIZ-DFAT-funded SPACE service shares reflections on whether and how these mantras have been taken up. COVID-19 caught us all by surprise. The social protection sector was no exception. Often
Want some top brainfood? Check out the speakers for this year’s ‘Cutting Edge Issues in Development Thinking and Practice’
September 28, 2021
This year’s Cutting Edge Issues in Development Thinking and Practice series kicks off at the LSE this Friday – 1st October. After that it’s every Friday from 4-6pm UK time (except for reading week on 5th November, when we all have a lie down). So why not bunk off work a bit early and start your weekend with some great
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September 27, 2021
UK migration policy co/ The New European Good early backgrounder on COP26 from CNN The online pile-on over the deeply naff and questionable CBS ‘reality’ TV show that pits activists against each other in an X-factor style piece of nonsense has triggered a rethink from the organizers and this fine set of alternative suggestions. The whole furore seems oddly absent
Development Nutshell: me, talking you through FP2P posts, w/b 20th September (18m)
September 25, 2021
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Book Review: From Anger to Action Inside the Global Movements for Social Justice, Peace, and a Sustainable Planet, by Harriet Lamb and Ben Jackson
September 23, 2021
I’ve come to recognize a certain format for ‘inspirational books for activists’: big sweeping statement about What Needs to Happen, then what I call ‘thousand points of light’ – breathless accounts of some activist-led efforts to achieve those goals. On to the call to arms, invoking political will. Job Done. I must be getting (even more) jaded. What’s wrong with
The Top 10 unintended effects of international cooperation
September 22, 2021
What are the most prevalent unintended effects of international cooperation? Dirk Jan Koch, together with the Center for Global Challenges of Utrecht University, analyzed all project evaluations by the Policy and Operations Evaluation Department (IOB) of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs since the turn of the century. Here’s the top 10. The figures in brackets show the number of
India’s Schooling Crisis
September 21, 2021
Beyond excited to host a development hero, Jean Drèze, on the blog. He introduces some new research showing that in India, the prolonged closure of schools has taken a heavy toll. A sound strategy to deal with this crisis is nowhere in sight. Indian children have been “locked out” of school for almost a year and a half. This lockout,
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September 20, 2021
The Flat Earth Society scores an own goal. ht Giles Paley-Phillips After huge controversy over fiddling the numbers to avoid antagonising powerful countries like China, the World Bank scrapped its Doing Business report. But even without the corruption, its methodology always felt dodgy – more ‘how much does country X resemble the American dream’, with a focus on low taxation/regulation