Women and Power: final report of excellent research project + top recommendations for aid agencies

April 13, 2016
ODI have just wrapped up an excellent two year project on ‘Women and power: overcoming barriers to leadership and influence’ with a final synthesis report that is well worth reading. It’s an intelligent discussion, informed by the thinking in the ‘Doing Development Differently’ network (which is in need of a stronger gender focus). It combines some ‘well duh’ obvious stuff

Payment by Results take 2: what I learned from the response to last month’s rant

April 12, 2016
A couple of weeks ago I posted a fairly polemical piece about the hype around ‘payment by results’, which prompted quite a response, including a piece by CGD’s Nancy Birdsall and William Savedoff, and an excellent set of comments from a bunch of people who are much more on top of the issue than I am (not difficult, I know). Nancy

Links I Liked

April 11, 2016
Refuge, 2016 version [h/t Laurie Adams] Tax wonk Alex Cobham recommends this as his one thing to read on tax havens We have a sexist data crisis. Ruth Levine and Mayra Buvinic on need to improve data on women and girls May have to start a new roundup of ‘infographics I enjoyed’, like this from Global Justice Now, on double

Blogging’s getting a bit old – what’s next? Plus, my first pitiful attempt at a vlog.

April 8, 2016
It’s quiet in the blogosphere. Too quiet. (In Westerns, saying that invariably means you’re about to get an arrow in the head). I’ve been blogging on FP2P for 8 years now and for the last few of them, have been wondering what comes next. There are few new entrants to the blog world, and some of the original development bloggers

How do we make sure the Panama Papers lead to lasting reforms on tax evasion?

April 7, 2016
Scandals like the Panama Papers are a massive potential driver of policy change. In normal times, the sources of inertia are great and politicians wishing to make change happen face an array of vested interests and fixed ideas telling them what they want is either insane or impossible. It takes a scandal to shake things up, delegitimize the status quo,

Book Review: Gender at Work: Theory and Practice for 21st Century Organizations

April 6, 2016
Gender at Work: Theory and Practice for 21st Century Organizations by Rao, Sandler, Kelleher and Miller, Routledge, 2016 This was another book that came to my rescue as I was struggling towards the finishing line on How Change Happens. In particular, it pulled together thinking about different kinds of power and change in a practical format for activists. The book

Some fascinating new research on how food prices affect people’s lives and politics

April 5, 2016
One of the projects I was proudest of getting off the ground while in (nominal) charge of Oxfam’s research team was ‘Life in a Time of Food Price Volatility’, a four year study of the impact of the chaotic food prices of recent years on the lives of poor people and communities in rural and urban communities in ten countries.

Links I Liked

April 4, 2016
PS Last chance to apply for fab new Oxfam job as Senior Researcher on Influencing and its Effectiveness (deadline today). Background here Lots of tips on presenting your precious research findings in just 15 minutes to a bored conference Why are white people expats when the rest of us are immigrants? This great polemic by Mawuna Remarque Koutonin is the

What can historical success teach us about tackling sanitation and hygiene?

April 1, 2016
Ooh good, another ‘lessons of history’ research piece. Check out the excellent new WaterAid report: Achieving total sanitation and hygiene coverage within a generation – lessons from East Asia. The paper summarizes the findings of four country case studies: Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia and Thailand, all of which produced ‘rapid and remarkable results in delivering total sanitation coverage in their

Tackling Inequality is a game changer for business and private sector development (which is why most of them are ignoring it)

March 31, 2016
Oxfam’s private sector adviser Erinch Sahan is thinking through the implications of inequality for the businesses he interacts with Mention inequality to a business audience and one of two things happens. They recoil in discomfort, or reinterpret the term – as social sustainability or doing more business with people living in poverty. Same goes for the private sector development professionals

Is Decentralization Good for Development?

March 30, 2016
My LSE colleague Jean-Paul Faguet has got a book out on decentralization. Here’s where he’s got to on the narrative, following multiple launch events I’ve just published a book by this name, and have spent a fair part of the last few months lecturing on it in various countries. Many people have asked me “So is decentralization good for development?”

Links I Liked

March 29, 2016
Where does the world’s food grow? Good overview + maps from Brookings Institution What’s the latest economic research on Africa? David Evans with another monster instant bibliography (plus links) of the papers presented at the recent African Economics conference ‘Boaty McBoatface’ wins online competition to name new polar research ship against stiff competition from Bloody Cold Here, What Iceberg?, Captain