There's lies, and then there's blog stats – highlights of 2011

January 3, 2012

     By Duncan Green     

annual review of his blog stats. On Think Tanks has done the same. So in the spirit of continued New Year self-indulgence (and putting off reading the email backlog), here are some of the highlight 2011 stats for From Poverty to Power, courtesy of Google Analytics. Overall for 2011: • Total number of visits: 291,712 (up from 182,023 in 2010), viewing 457,164 posts • Total number of ‘unique visitors’: 165,433 (98,472 in 2010) This makes no sense – there must be more regular readers than that, so either the number of visits is too low or (much more likely), the number of unique visitors is too high – can anyone shed any light on how Google Analytics arrives at these numbers? Most popular posts (descending order – interesting mix of serious and silly) 1. What Brits say v What they mean 2. The world’s top 100 economies: 53 countries, 34 cities and 13 corporations 3. Capitalism’s golden age v a lost 30 years – great infographic 4. Feeding the 9 billion: where to agree/disagree with the Economist? 5. Extreme chapati hurling – do not try this at home So four of the top five were ‘hat-tips’ – posting things sent to me by colleagues. Keep em coming, guys. Overall, though, the most striking feature of the traffic is its regularity (see graphic – the dips are weekends) stats for 2011 Where did people come from? (a pleasing geographical spread, but too northern for my liking): UK 84,223 (29% of total)  US 68,117 Canada 12,097 India 11,431 Australia 10,631 Germany 8,238 Netherlands 5,858 France 4,827 Switzerland 4,309 South Africa 3,722 Of these, the most leisurely readers were the Swiss (3 minutes 35 secs per visit); the most in a hurry were the South Africans (1m 40secs) and the Indians (1m 42 secs). Numbers aren’t everything though, so Happy New Year to the single readers from Andorra, Sao Tome and Principe and Norfolk Island. But why no visits from Turkmenistan,Central African Republic or Western Sahara? These stats are (I think) just for people clicking through to the site, but people access blogs in other ways too. Google Reader subs rose from 1937 to 2736 over the year, and Facebook users from 561 to 1476. Twitter followers trebled to 3355 – must work out how to use it some time…….. Back to business as usual tomorrow]]>

January 3, 2012
Duncan Green
