January 8, 2025
Over two billion people lack access to safe drinking water – and the situation is set to become bleaker still because of climate change, say Jo Trevor and Padmini Iyer. How do we build equitable and collective approaches to global water security that uphold everyone’s basic right to clean water?
What’s blocking progress in fixing the Global Water Crisis?
July 27, 2021
I took part in a fun podcast recently on ‘water for development’. I was in the company of some people who actually know about the subject (Michael Wilson, Rosie Wheen, Melita Grant and Rachel Mason Nunn). I was playing my favourite role in this final wrap-up conversation of a series of discussions, that of informed ignoramus burbling on about how
5 ways to fix South Asia’s Water Crisis, by Vanita Suneja
July 17, 2018
Vanita Suneja of WaterAid reports on what is being done to prevent South Asia running out of underground water Major capital cities in South Asia – Dhaka, Delhi, Islamabad, Kabul and Kathmandu – are showing groundwater stress with the water table receding at an alarming rate. In Islamabad, the water table fell to 30 feet below the surface in 2016,
Fighting inequality one city at a time: reclaiming public water and electricity in Delhi
February 12, 2014
There’s a political earthquake going on in Delhi right now. Biraj Swain (Exfam India, now campaigning and researching on water) looks at its immediate impact on poor people’s access to water and electricity. Last month marked the first month in office of the anti-corruption movement turned political party, the Aam Admi ‘Common Man’ Party government in Delhi, India. Two days
States v Markets: Understanding Tajikistan’s Post-Soviet malaise through its drinking water
February 6, 2014
I don’t do much on water (as my pal Henry Northover at WaterAid never fails to remind me) but last week, I was in Tajikistan to help our team think through their water-related work. They already run the Tajikistan Water Supply and Sanitation (TajWSS) network, which combines a high level ‘convening and brokering’ approach to finding solutions to the country’s
‘Convening and Brokering’ in practice: sorting out Tajikistan’s water problem
January 17, 2013
In the corridors of Oxfam and beyond, ‘convening and brokering’ has become a new development fuzzword. I talked about it in my recent review of the Africa Power and Politics Programme, and APPP promptly got back to me and suggested a discussion on how convening and brokering is the same/different to the APPP’s proposals that aid agencies should abandon misguided attempts to
Confronting scarcity by managing water, energy and land: the new European Report on Development
June 13, 2012
What's the state of the world's water and land? New FAO report.
December 5, 2011
Why don't more NGOs work on water? Guest post from Dan Yeo, WaterAid
November 18, 2011
What should Oxfam be doing on water?
September 2, 2011
How do we talk about resource limits, fair shares and development?
July 22, 2011
Hans Rosling and co on Water – justice, development and liberation through washing machines
March 30, 2011