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Governments across the globe are giving up on the fight against inequality: here’s what they should do instead…

October 23, 2024
New Oxfam analysis shows global Commitment to Reducing Inequality (CRI) has just hit a new low. Anthony Kamande shares insights from Oxfam’s biannual CRI report that ranks 164 countries’ policies – and offers three big policy changes that should be firmly on the agenda at this week’s World Bank/IMF annual meetings.

Drought in Africa – How the system to fund humanitarian aid is still hardwired to fail

April 13, 2017
Guest post from Debbie Hillier, Oxfam Humanitarian Policy Adviser Nearly 11 million people across Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya are facing alarming levels of food insecurity. In Somalia, deaths as a result of drought have already been recorded, and as its next rains are forecast to be poor, famine is a real possibility. But why are we facing the threat of

Why on earth is Barclays (still) cutting the remittance lifeline to Somalia?

October 1, 2013
Oxfam’s tame ex-banker Will Martindale wonders what on earth Barclays is up to in cutting the remittance lifeline to Somalia “I can skype my mum, and see her, and watch her go hungry, fall ill. But they’re saying I can’t transfer money for food or to see a doctor. How can that be?” Istarlin lives in South London. She’s one

Getting Somalia Wrong and other background reading for today's big conference

February 23, 2012

Arab and Muslim aid v the UN system – “two china elephants”

October 21, 2011

Can states be built?

December 21, 2008