What have we learned about women’s empowerment from a 17 country global programme?

November 11, 2013
Oxfam is increasingly going in for ‘global programmes’, bundling up work on similar issues across various countries. More on that model tomorrow, but first I want to highlight the findings of a final evaluation (published today, right) of Raising Her Voice (RHV), a big (£5.8m), 5 year global programme to enhance women’s voice in decision-making, covering 17 countries and two

Should men boycott all-male panels at conferences?

January 8, 2013
A conversation on twitter this weekend triggered (yet another) ethical dilemma. Gosh it’s exhausting trying to be a do-gooder. Claire Melamed started it by sending round a link to an article arguing that men should sign a pledge stating publicly that they will refuse to take part in all-male panels at tech conferences (which are regularly men-only affairs, apparently). As

Will the new World Development Report transform our thinking on gender and inequality?

September 19, 2011

Nike v Commonwealth – who's best on women's rights?

September 15, 2011

Has UNICEF got it wrong on gender inequality?

July 15, 2011

Do men and women see hunger differently?

May 25, 2011

Gender Equality and Development: What will (and won’t) be in the 2012 World Development Report?

January 28, 2011

How Change Happens: Campaigning on Early Marriage in Yemen

September 21, 2010
Here’s another interesting example of how to do advocacy where you might not expect it, in this case on women’s rights in Islamic contexts. If you are born a woman in Yemen you have a 50% chance of living in absolute poverty, a 70% chance of being illiterate and an 80% chance of never holding a paid job. You have

What did we learn in the global economic crisis? Multimedia wrap-up on resilience, gender impact and fiscal holes (plus me waving my arms around)

August 10, 2010
We’ve been churning out a bunch of materials on the global economic crisis summarizing our conclusions to date on its developmental impact (though who knows if this is the end, or just a pause, in the financial chaos). The Global Economic Crisis and Developing Countries brings together our findings from research in 12 countries involving some 2,500 people. It’s the final

UN Women: the United Nations gets its act together on gender

July 9, 2010
One of the things undermining the effectiveness of the UN’s work on gender issues has been the lack of a single agency with responsibility for the subject. Now, after years of difficult negotiations, the U.N. General Assembly has voted to set up a body that will seek to improve the situation of women and girls around the world. The new body

The gender impact of Europe’s recession

April 13, 2010
A recent report by Oxfam’s UK Poverty Programme looks at the impact of the global economic crisis on Europe’s women. Based on research in ten EU member states, the report finds (among other things): ‘The impact of the recession is significant and damaging for both men and women living in poverty. This report tracks the impact for women as a

Gendercide, International Women’s Day and The Economist

March 8, 2010
The Economist magazine combines liberal economic orthodoxy (pro liberalization, anti state etc) with a politically liberal commitment to individual human rights. The latter presumably prompted this week’s cover story, Gendercide: What happened to 100 million baby girls?’ Even if it does come with the rest of the ideological baggage, (more on that later) it’s hard to think of any other