‘Working for the Few’: top new report on the links between politics and inequality

January 20, 2014
As the world’s self-appointed steering committee gathers in Davos, 2014 is already shaping up as a big year for inequality. The World Economic Forum’s ‘Outlook on the Global Agenda 2014’ ranks widening income disparities as the second greatest worldwide risk in the coming 12 to 18 months (Middle East and North Africa came top, since you ask). So it’s great

From pinstripes to poverty: a refugee banker’s first 100 days at Oxfam

January 25, 2013
Oxfam is always keen to employ unusual suspects, none more so than Will Martindale, a banker turned “do gooder” (right, and no, that isn’t his Oxfam desk). Here he reflects on his first 100 days working among the (supposed) angels. Banking. Most hate it. Few understand it. And I miss it. I miss the pace, the energy, and the super smart

"Be Outraged!" Some big names in development take on the Austerians

May 25, 2012

How can you regulate the beat of a butterfly’s wing?

December 7, 2011

How can advocacy NGOs respond to the global meltdown? FP2P Flashback

August 19, 2011

The Globalization Paradox, a great new book from Dani Rodrik

June 9, 2011

The global bank bailout is enough to end (that’s ‘end’, not just halve) world poverty for 50 years

April 1, 2009
Here are some killer facts on the global economic crisis and the response. First the bail out: globally, as of January 2009, a calculation for Oxfam shows that banks and other financial service firms have already received or been promised at least $8.424 trillion. The breakdown is $903 billion of government capital injections; $661 billion of toxic asset purchases; $1.38

Is The Economist going socialist?

February 4, 2009
The back half of The Economist (business, finance and economics) is having an excellent crisis. If you’re willing to filter out the gratuitous (and increasingly defensive) neoclassical riffs, there is some really excellent analysis in there and even some (perhaps inadvertent) progressive thinking. This week’s edition includes a three page briefing on the Asian economies and a handy summary of the

Financial Crisis: Calvin and Hobbes called it 15 years ago

January 13, 2009
thanks to an unlikely source for this. the World Bank’s Crisis Talk website.  

Financial crises at a glance: bank crashes, geopolitics and how long til the rebound?

January 12, 2009
Here are two illuminating graphics from the Financial Times and Economist. First up is a figure from Martin Wolf’s latest column in the FT, itself based on a new paper by Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, showing the proportion of the world economy affected by banking crises, from 1900-2008. Its main features are a spike around the Great Depression of the

How much is $700bn?

December 30, 2008

How will the meltdown affect development?

December 29, 2008