Vote now for the best/worst charity ads of 2017

December 5, 2017
Every year, the ‘rusty radiator’ site runs a poll on the year’s best/worst aid agency ads. Let’s start with the good ones. My favourite has to be War Child’s batman video – very moving The others are a smart Save the Children US take on children and Christmas gifts, a very knowing Below the Line film on aid stereotypes and a human

Drought in Africa – How the system to fund humanitarian aid is still hardwired to fail

April 13, 2017
Guest post from Debbie Hillier, Oxfam Humanitarian Policy Adviser Nearly 11 million people across Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya are facing alarming levels of food insecurity. In Somalia, deaths as a result of drought have already been recorded, and as its next rains are forecast to be poor, famine is a real possibility. But why are we facing the threat of

Getting Somalia Wrong and other background reading for today's big conference

February 23, 2012

How can we prevent the next famine? The case for Disaster Risk Reduction

October 3, 2011

Ending Hunger Now – what's missing from Josette Sheeran's talk?

August 4, 2011

25 years after the Ethiopian famine, what have we learned?

October 22, 2009
It’s 25 years since the Ethiopian famine and the region is again being flayed by drought. Expect lots of media coverage, at least some of it along the lines of ’why did we bother? Nothing’s changed.’ Not so. Band Aids and Beyond, an Oxfam briefing paper published today, summarizes what’s been learned since then and asks why donors and governments