Links I Liked

January 13, 2020

     By Duncan Green     

Ten humanitarian crises and trends to watch in 2020

‘The retreat of charisma from humanitarian organizations is a challenge for us all’. Hugo Slim brilliant on the bureaucratization of humanitarian aid

How Academia Resembles a Drug Gang. LSE Impact blog’s most read post of the decade.

Please welcome the newest member of the Edinburgh gritting team ‘Gritter Thunberg

IMF boss says raise taxes on the rich to tackle inequality

Good summary + links of important & nuanced research by Justin Sandefur and Mauricio Romero on the impact of outsourcing education in Liberia

Best TV moment of the decade? TV immortality for Robert Kelly and his lovely family. Even the follow up interview with them was pretty anarchic. The big unanswered Q: did he not stand up because he didn’t have any pants on?
January 13, 2020
Duncan Green
