March 4, 2020
For a while now, I’ve been suggesting Oxfam make a conscious effort to ‘seed the ecosystem’ by spinning off more start-up organizations that can be more agile and responsive than our big bureaucracy. So I was delighted to find our team in Nepal are already doing it. Guest post by Prakash Subedi, CEO, Grow Nepal Ask an entrepreneur in Nepal
The sprint towards export-oriented growth in Kenya
April 26, 2019
Navalayo Osembo shares her views on how a social enterprise is helping economic growth and poverty reduction in Kenya.
How Does Fair Trade go from inspiring examples to Transforming Capitalism?
January 31, 2019
Erinch Sahan, an exfamer who now heads the World Fair Trade Organization network, wants to pick your brains about how to transform capitalism I think I’m sitting on a goldmine of examples that could help efforts to transform business and economies. I lead a global community of 330 real examples of alternative business models. These are the social enterprises that
Do development agencies need to look more like the private sector?
December 19, 2008